European Links

A Comenius partnership was formed during a partner finding scheme in Dublin. Five countries made up the partnership by the end of the two day stay, namely Austria, Turkey, Ireland, Spain and our local partner school from Llangynnwr also in Carmarthenshire.

We named our two year Comenius project Wista using the first letter of each of the countries. The aim was to raise and develop the awareness of the pupils and staff of their own identity in a local, national and European context through activities which focused on the cultural similarities and differences including the language and traditions of each culture. 

The range of activities completed has helped both pupils and staff gain a greater awareness of life in each country whilst making comparisons which highlighted the importance of European Citizenship. 

A working platform, namely Moodle was set up to enable each of the partners to upload and share the outcome of each activity whilst also providing a means of communicating with each other to ensure arrangements for travel and activity deadlines were met. 

Over the two year period members of staff traveled to each of the countries in turn gaining an insight into the teaching methods, resources and the day to day running of schools in each country. 

The culmination of the two year project was the International Market when classes worked to research and create a display of the knowledge they had gained about our partner countries ranging from celebrations, food, special days and famous people. The work was displayed and special national dishes cooked and set out for visitors and parents to view and taste. It was a huge success and very well attended.